Fei Qian
➺ Aether, Adamantoise
➺ Caster and Healer Main
➺ Savage and Ultimate Raider
➺ Omnicrafter
➺ Omnihealer
➺ Omnicaster
➺ ZenosWOL Shipper

Who is Fei Qian?

➺ His village name is Sveinn Lesrekta
➺ Give his city name of Fei Qian by the family in Nagxia that adopted him
➺ Viera, Veena
➺ 68 years old
➺ Born in the Skatay Mountains, raised in Nagxia
➺ Traveling scholar and walking beastiary and monster encylopedia
➺ Incredibly skilled in magic and healing arts
➺ Scholar, Sage, Red Mage, and Black Mage proficient
➺ Does not do well with physical jobs or taking physical attacks

Art Credits

Black Mage Art
Asphodelos Casting Top Art and Main Art
Zenos and Fei Art
Scholar Art